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Posted from WordPress for Android
There are different contests clients hold on our website. Number of logo contests is the most significant. We have conducted a small survey to reveal several logo features that affects client’s choice most of all. We have chosen randomly 500 winning logos on design crowdsourcing sites and grouped them according to several attributes. 82% of all logos contain both, text …
7 Reasons to Choose the Yii 2 Framework
Late last year, SitePoint published an article highlighting the top PHP frameworks. Tied for the number four spot was the Yii (pronounced Yee) Framework. At that time the latest version of the framework available was 1.1.14. Recently, Yii 2.0 was made available, so you can begin to use it in production. While we did cover it recently when it was …
You Are Not A Machine. You Are Not Alone. | Smashing Magazine
Many of us struggle silently with mental health problems and many more are affected by them, either directly or indirectly. {Geek} The sedation dentist Houston starts today and we would like to help raise awareness with a couple of articles exploring these issues. – Ed. via You Are Not A Machine. You Are Not Alone. | Smashing Magazine.
12 Tips for Naming Your Startup
Recently, I published a roundup of some effective tools to help you name your startup. Tools can be a great help but there is definitely a sense of satisfaction in doing it on your own. Below are a few ideas that will help you brainstorm a new brand name! Thanks to Unsplash for the image. A good brand name can …
Database Changes to Improve WordPress Performance
If you’re starting a website – be it a news site, a blog or an ecommerce site, chances are that you consider using WordPress. Once users begin to warm to the website as it gains popularity, core WordPress might not be enough to handle the incoming traffic efficiently. You will then need to scale up your website to handle the …
4 Sass Features You May Not Have Tried
Once you’ve gone to the trouble of converting your workflow over to Sass, it’s easy to fall into familiar patterns. You may be so pleased with the power of what Sass can do with a few simple techniques that you never bother to explore some of the more advanced features. There are many advantages to using a powerful pre-processor like …
How to be a Good Developer
As a PHP developer, or any kind of developer as a matter of fact, you need to constantly improve yourself in this ever-changing industry; you need to learn and use new knowledge every day. What successful developers have in common, is that they care about programming a lot, they are professionals treating good programming practices as a form of art. …