Get free quote Step 1 of 4 - Client Details0%Your name*Email*Alternative EmailPhoneYou are requesting quote for...* Logo Design Website Design and DevelopmentLogo DesignBrand Name*Do you already have a logo?*YesNoShow me your current logo. Drop files here or Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, pdf.What type of logo you want?*Text onlyText + GraphicsGraphics majorlyPreferred colorsWhere do you plan to use your logo? Web Print TVWebsite Design and DevelopmentDo you already own a website?*YesNoName of websiteWebsite URLAdmin's credentials for your websiteNature of BusinessObjective of your websiteLead GenerationSelling Product/ServiceListingDirectoryWhat to Design?*Home PageLanding PageBannersModification/Changes n websiteComplete Website from scratchHow are you different from your competitors?Name your competitors and Provide us with the URLs if availableWho are your main competitors? How are you different from them?What do you like most about your current website? What are your top frustrations with our current website?You are ...CautiousAdventurousYou like your design ...flooded with data (Narrow spaces)Less data (More breathing spaces)Your design should look Sophisticated Vibrant Quite Tech Glossy Mono-Color Spectrum Out-of-BoxWhat CMS do you prefer?WordpressJoomlaDrupalI don't know what is a CMSYou should decide what is best for meNo CMS (Static Pages)How will you be updating the site in the future (if you don't plan to use a CMS)?Any specific fetures you would like to include in your website, like Log in, Calendars, Forums, Blog, Subscription Services (RSS, Email or newsletter)?Do you need us to write the webiste copy or you will provide us with all the information?We shall provide the data and copyWrite it yourselfHave you ever outsourced your website before?YesNoWas the experience pleasant or not? and Why?What else you want to tell us? Tell us as much as you can?EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ Like this:Like Loading...