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Long Exposure Photography without a Tripod
Source: Long Exposure Photography without a Tripod
Source: Long Exposure Photography without a Tripod
Some Great tips and tricks for your CSS Source: 22 Essential CSS Recipes
I was a big fan of Gulp. But on my last project, I ended up with 100’s of lines in my gulpfile and around a dozen Gulp plugins. I was struggling to integrate Webpack, Browsersync, hot reloading, Mocha and much more using Gulp. Why? Well, some plugins had insufficient documentation for my use case. Some plugins only exposed part of …
I’ve learned a lot more about typography since then and picked up best practices like using relative units, vertical rhythms and meaningful typography scales.These new practices were wonderful. They made my websites look more pleasing to the eye. Implementing them, however, was a horrible experience. Source: Everything I know about responsive web typography with CSS — Zell Liew
Deep learning has become one of the hottest topics in machine learning in recent years. With TensorFlow, the deep learning platform that we recently released as an open-source project, our goal was to bring the capabilities of deep learning to everyone. So far, we are extremely excited by the uptake: more than 4000 users have forked it on GitHub in …
Here are the top 10 most common camera mistakes that most photographers make at some point and how you can avoid them. Source: 10 common camera mistakes every photographer makes | Digital Camera World
The double exposure is an art in and of itself. These 10 photographers mastered it. Source: 500px ISO » Stunning Photography, Incredible Stories » 10 Most Popular Double Exposures on 500px
This is a guest post by the Mycroft team as part of “the startup stories”, a series of blog posts about how and why innovative companies are using Ubuntu technology. If you work in technology you’ve probably had this dream. You wake up and your whole house is a computer, a starship in cyberspace that […] Source: Meet Mycroft: Open …
Source: Blurring Is the Auto-Tune of UI Design, and Other Things We Thought About While Designing Wildcard 2.0 +